Subcooled liquid density measurements and PvT measurements in the vapor phase for 3,3,3-trifluoroprop-1-ene (R1243zf) / Giovanni Di Nicola in International journal of refrigeration, Vol. 36 N° 8 (Décembre 2013)
Subcooled liquid density measurements and PvT measurements in the vapor phase for 3,3,3-trifluoroprop-1-ene (R1243zf) = Mesures de la masse volumique du liquide sous-refroidi et mesures PvT lors de la phase gazeuse pour le 3,3,3-trifluoroprop-1-ène (R1243zf) [texte imprimé] / Giovanni Di Nicola, Auteur ; J. Steven Brown, Auteur ; Laura Fedele, Auteur . - 2014 . - pp. 2209–2215.
Langues : Anglais (eng)
in International journal of refrigeration > Vol. 36 N° 8 (Décembre 2013) . - pp. 2209–2215
Mots-clés : 3,3,3-Trifluoroprop-1-ene (R1243zf) CF3CHdouble bond length as m-dashCH2 CAS number 677-21-4 liquid density PvT behavior tait correlation Résumé : The fluorinated propene isomer R1243zf (3,3,3-trifluoroprop-1-ene, CF3CFdouble bond; length as m-dashCH2, CAS number 677-21-4) is a potential alternative refrigerant with short atmospheric lifetime, low-GWP, and low acute toxicity; however, because of its flammability it is being considered primarily as a component in blends. In this paper, 302 subcooled liquid density data and 101 vapor phase PvT data are presented. The subcooled liquid density data are measured for eight isotherms, evenly separated approximately from 283 K to 353 K, for pressures from close to saturation to 35 MPa and the vapor phase PvT data are measured for six isochores for temperatures approximately from 278 K to 368 K and for pressures approximately from 260 kPa to 912 kPa. In addition, a saturated liquid density correlation, a Tait correlation for the subcooled liquid density data, and a Martin–Hou Equation of State for the vapor phase PvT data are presented. En ligne :